
“If you’re a thought leader, entrepreneur, or creator-artist with a drive and #goals to make a living with your passion — then this site is for you.


This is a blog for creators who want more.
More skills.
(Better content.)
More confidence.
(Better stories.)
More productivity.

With more results, more readers, and more followers.
And more true friends who believe in your passion.

Communicate at the top of your game.
Hone the craft of creating content that people love and want to follow. Create an emotional connection with those around you. And make your dream happen.

If you have a story to tell —
a website to launch —
a passion to share —
Let’s do it.


Processed with Lensa with Auto Adjustments

Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA (aka author Erin Brown Conroy/EB Conroy), has been a writer, speaker, senior editor, and personal writing coach (fiction and nonfiction) for 25+ years working internationally with entrepreneurs and writers who want to…

* Share powerful ideas with crisp, strong text that connects.
* Write the novel, short story, children’s book, and tv show with a captivating, emotional storyline with connected characters and heart-pounding tension.
* Write the website, article, and more
 using clear steps and surefire methods.
* Create the online course that people enjoy and want to share.
* Get concise ideas across to readers 
within high emotional connection.
* Open the door to more followers with loyal, high-interest engagement.

Official Bio
The author of nine books, Erin has been a professional writer, editor, and speaker for over 25 years — developing over 100 complete on-the-ground and online courses on fiction writing, academic writing for middle and high school students, college writing courses for three universities, and course for private online schools and programs. Since the 1980s, she has given thousands of presentations to professionals and students alike through national and international events, organizational conferences, and lessons, curriculum guides, lectures, and articles — with complete how-to writing courses and entire programs in fiction, nonfiction, and academic writing available today.

Erin was faculty at Cornerstone University’s Professional and Graduate Studies Division (writing, leadership and management, interpersonal communications, organizational development, and strategic management); was faculty and online course designer at Patrick Henry College (writing and research); and served as the lead Communications Curriculum Developer in Academic Programs, Department of General Education, for Western Governors University (writing, interpersonal and digital communications, and critical thinking).

Erin has been speaking LIVE at conferences, in online presentations, on recordings and podcasts, and on radio shows since the 80s. For over 30 years, Erin has been a professional writer and editor; a fiction writing judge for international writing organizations, competitions, and conferences (SCBWI, RWA); and has judged entries for published anthologies. She was also a scholarship winner in 2020 for the coveted Superstars Writing Seminar (fiction writing) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Erin has a Bachelor’s degree in education, a Masters in rehabilitation, and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing, Genre Fiction, from Western Colorado University (2015).

Erin is also the Creator and Director of www.TrueNorthReading.com, a worldwide learn-to-read-and-spell program for kids ages 2-15.

And since the 90s, Erin has enjoyed coaching fiction and nonfiction book authors worldwide to write and edit books for publication.

Erin is also a member of…

Find Erin’s books here on Amazon, including Simplified Writing 101.


Better your craft — write crisp and powerful words.
Launch and propel your work forward.
Stay motivated.
And get what you need to set your process on fire and publish your work.

To see where Erin’s speaking next and to see her “live,” go here.
To bring Erin to your conference to speak, go here.
To get coaching and consulting, where Erin helps you write and edit your book, go here.

Contact Erin here.



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